What is GRANA-LUXâ„¢?
Introducing Grana-Lux™, new to the Saudi Arabian market – a brand you can trust. Grana-Lux™ products are concrete products that resemble natural stone and are extremely versatile in applications across the board.
Our AIM is to provide a luxury concrete product to developents across the GCC, that add aesthetic brilliance through value engineering, maximising on saving time and money.
AIM work hand in hand with Landscape Designers and Architects to create the ideal solution through specifications of the product to maximise the value aestherically.
Grana-Lux products are manufactured as a singular wet mix concrete product, be it a concrete tile, concrete coping, concrete cladding or concrete kerbstone, minimizing honeycombing thereby increasing the compressive strength and reducing the water absorption of the product.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a vast land with many initiatives running simultaneously. Though there are many malls, palaces, buildings, office spaces, parks and other open spaces, there is a great lack of quality hardscape material.
The options available are either natural stone, as can be seen installed across most of Madina Al Munawara or plain interlocking pavers more commonly referred to as interlock.
AIM Industries introduced Grana-Lux™ to provide an additional, middle of the road, option.
AIM's high quality concrete products are hydraulically pressed precast concrete products, able to achieve the look and texture of natural stone thereby becoming a viable value engineering option, that wasn't without sole.
The benefits of Grana-Lux™ products are as follows:
- Cost-Effective, Long lasting & durable - AIM guarantees its products for 10 years for structural integrity. Over the course of 10 years, using an AIM product will save approximately 80% in hard costs and further soft cost savings.
- Very low water absorption - Grana-Lux™ products are manufactured with a wet singular full body mix of concrete, which when compressed, leaves little to no honeycombing.
- Colour Lock Technology - using UK manufactured colour, which goes all the way through the body of the product, ensuring longevity of product quality.
- High compressive strength
- Resistant to salt water from ground and air
- Available in a large variety of sizes, colours and textures.